想要增進英語口說能力,認識英語學習同好嗎?那千萬不要錯過Lunchtime Chats!


 時間:星期三,中午12:15~1:00 p.m.

 地點:人社三館 B111 

1. 下列時間Lunchtime Chats 暫停一次:4/05、4/12、4/19、6/07、6/14暫停一次

2. 本活動不用報名!地點如有異動,將於語言中心網頁公告,請於參加活動前上網查詢,以免錯過活動。

Lunchtime Chats Schedule is Ready!

time Time/ 12:15~1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays
location Venue/ Humanities and Social Sciences Building III, B111

We are going to have chats IN PERSON this semester. New and old friends are all welcome!

Weekly Schedule

Week 53/15 (Wednesday)H. S. III, B111 
Week 63/22 (Wednesday)H. S. III, B111 
Week 73/29 (Wednesday)H. S. III, B111 
Week 114/26 (Wednesday)H. S. III, B111 
Week 125/03 (Wednesday) H. S. III, B111 
Week 135/10 (Wednesday) H. S. III, B111 
Week 145/17 (Wednesday) H. S. III, B111 
Week 155/24 (Wednesday) H. S. III, B111 
Week 165/31 (Wednesday)H. S. III, B111 

* No sign up is required & walk-in participation is welcome!
* If you join the in-person Chats, please sanitize your hands before entering the room.
* Snacks and beverages are served.
* One hour of NDHU Interdisplinary Self-learning credits will be accredited for attendance.


週三中午的12:15~1:00 p.m.

