由英語培力學術中心和語言中心合辦的國際沙發客,本學期最後一場講座邀請到目前在美國擔任博士後研究員的Dr. Divya Baranwal線上分享關於印度的有趣見聞,從節慶、多樣的地理氣候、傑出女性、語言、古蹟、食物與服飾等,各種不同角度認識這充滿活力、高度多樣性卻又和諧共處 (Unity in Diversity) 的古老文明。快來加入我們一起探索這美麗的國度吧!

In this talk, Dr. Divya Baranwal will be invited to tell you some interesting facts about Indian culture, which made India the oldest-richest culture and tradition, highly belief in Unity in Diversity because of its vibrant and glorious festivals, wide geographical locations and weathers; leading women in different areas of society; lots of spoken regional and official languages; historically-socially- culturally prosperous cities and monuments; thousands of varieties of food and its significance; different style of traditional clothing and many more to know. How much do you know about Indian culture? Let’s see a beautiful country from her lens. Hurry up, guys! Join us! Sign up!

活動講者(Speaker):Dr. Divya Baranwal
活動主題(Theme):Interesting Facts about Indian Culture
活動地點(Location):線上Google Meet
活動日期(Date):2023/05/26 (FRI)

Two hours of cross-disciplinary self-learning credits.