

Event Purpose:

Bilingualism is Life: Integrating Bilingualism into Daily Living

This event aims to incorporate bilingual learning into everyday life through a variety of rich and diverse experiences. By participating in visits, activities, and interactive sessions, participants can enhance their bilingual abilities in a natural setting while enjoying a pleasant event. Through this activity, participants will be able to use and improve their bilingual skills in various scenarios, achieving the goal of integrating bilingual learning into their lives.


  1. 日期:20240616周日
  2. 地點:花蓮縣壽豐鄉、吉安鄉、花蓮市
  3. 人數:30人


  • 場次一 上午 雙語融入生活-場地兆豐農場
  • 場次二 下午 雙語融入生活-場地花蓮鯉魚潭露營渡假村
  • 場次三 傍晚 雙語融入生活-場地東大門夜市



聯絡人:英培中心 吳佩蓁 038905304

Event Schedule

  1. Date: Sunday, June 16, 2024
  2. Locations: Shoufeng Township, Ji’an Township, and Hualien City, Hualien County
  3. Number of Participants: 30
  4. Session 1: Morning – Bilingual Life Integration at Matai’an Wetland Ecological Park
  5. Session 2: Afternoon – Bilingual Life Integration at Liyu Lake Campground Resort
  6. Session 3: Evening – Bilingual Life Integration at Dongdamen Night Market

The event will run from 8:40 AM to 6:30 PM and will include shuttle service, outdoor activity insurance, snacks, lunch, and dinner. Please fill out the registration form in detail. You may register for all three sessions simultaneously.

Note: The registration form link is now closed.

Contact Person: EMI Center, Wu PeiChen, 038905304